Diagnosis Before Neck Pain Treatment Singapore

Neck  Pain Treatment Singapore:

Neck pain is a common problem these days due to our sedentary lifestyle. There  are various other reasons too  of this pain such as car accidents, sleeping in awkward hours hunched over a computer. In this anti-inflammatory medicines, but mostly these drugs do not provide the enough relief.  Massage is the best solution for these types of the problems. Thus, consult Best Chiropractor Singapore for your problem.

Neck pain is common these days. It may be due to the poor posture and muscles get strained. It mainly occurred due to leaning over your computer or hunching over your workbench. Osteoarthritis, also is a common cause of neck pain. This pain further leads to many other problems. Look for healing care if your neck pain is gone together with numbness or loss of asset in your arms or hands or if you have shooting pain into your shoulder or down your arm. You can consult, Neck Pain Treatment in Singapore to get better and effective results.


Generally, neck pain is of three types:

1. Acute:Pain that lasts less than 4 weeks.
2. Subacute: Pain that lasts 4 to 12 weeks.
3. Chronic: Pain that lasts 3 or more months.

A specific cause is oftentimes not known or even sought for an acute neck pain. The pain goes away within 4 weeks, so most people are just happy to get on with their lives and aren’t concerned with what specifically caused the temporary nuisance. Some form of medical treatment or guidance is needed to improve the pain when this pain become sub-acute or chronic.  Depending on the cause, there may be more effective treatments for certain conditions. Chiropractic Treatment Singapore provides all the services for the neck pain treatment.

Diagnosis Complete History of the Patient
The first step to find out the root of the problem, the doctor should gothorough history of the patient. In addition to learning about the person’s medical background, the doctor will ask the person questions about the following:

Description of neck pain:  when you felt the pain at the first time.Does it come and go? Is the pain in one spot, or does it radiate into the shoulders, arms, or fingers? Are there any other symptoms in addition to neck pain?

Occupation:Your occupation is also responsible for severe types of the neck pain.What type of work does the person do?  How much physical work a person does? Does the person perform manual labor or sit in front of a computer all day? What is the commute like?

Lifestyle: Lifestyle includes which types of hobbies or activities does the person enjoy?  Is the person’s lifestyle is sedentary or more active? Do hobbies include gardening, watching TV, or swimming?

Posture: Does the person often slouch or tilt the head forward? What type of chairs is used? In which posture the person sleeps the most.

Recent Injuries: Find out the reason what happened recently that led to this neck pain?Did the person do or feel anything unusual recently that might have led to this neck pain? Maybe the person had achance or fall? Perhaps the neck was tweaked while lifting something?Best Chiropractor Singapore takes proper care for the neck pain treatment.

This complete history is helpful to understand the nature of the patient’s pain. In any case, if the pain is worse at the certain times of the day or exacerbated by certain activities.

Treatments: During your treatment, your doctor will take your medical history and examine you.He or she will check for tenderness, numbness and muscle weakness, as well as see how far you can move your head forward, backward and side to side.

1. Imaging tests: To get the best answer for your neck pain, doctor may recommend you various types of the test. X-rays, CT Scan and MRI techniques  can be recommended by your doctor.Imaging studies are best used as an adjunct to a careful history and physical exam to determine the cause of your pain.

2.Medications:Some doctor prescribes too strong medicines that patients get rid of it and stop taking them anymore. In this case, you are suggested for medications and therapies:
1.  Physical Therapy
2. Short-term immobilization
If you are suffering from severe neck pain, then don’t hesitate to consult with Singapore Chiropractor for neck pain treatment.

Diagnosis Before Neck Pain Treatment Singapore Diagnosis  Before Neck  Pain Treatment Singapore Reviewed by Genesis Chiropractic on 11:13 PM Rating: 5

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